We pave the way for a Green world!
Welcome to Buscoles Initiative
BUSCOLES is a not-for-profit Social Enterprise, registered as a company limited by guarantee, established to primarily improve the socio-economic and environmental welfare of rural households, with a special focus on youth and women.
It’s our world, take care of it.
Think Green. Be Green.
BUSCOLES‘ activities are, among others, geared towards environmental sustainability through contributing towards offsetting carbon emissions. Jackfruit tree is a heavy leafy ever-green tree, with enormous carbon fixing characteristscs – therefore a direct contributor to climate change mitigation. While other current tree planting efforts (Eucalyputs, Pines, Cypress plantations) offer temporal relief, the climate change mitigation role played by Jackfruit are permanet.
The other trees are harvested for timber and therfore their carbon fixing services are lost once the plantation is harvested. Jackfruit trees are not harvested, but instead farmers ensure their existence in perpetuity, since the older they grow, the higher the fruit yield. They therefire are avlble to fix carbon forever.
Further to this while commercial timber tree planting have ben associated with land evictions, sometimes to the detriment of the original peasant land owners, Jackfruit tree growing does not involve any form of new land acquisitions. Better still, the trees become integrated into an overall agroforestry climate-smart agriculture technology drive. Overall theire, Jackfruit tree planting will contribute to ever-lasting environemtal sustainability as compared to the monoculture timebr tree planting efforts happening across the country, the region and the worold at large.