About BUSCOLES Initiatives Ltd

BUSCOLES is a not-for-profit Social Enterprise, registered as a company limited by guarantee, established to primarily improve the socio-economic and environmental welfare of rural households, with a special focus on youth and women. Our social enterprise goal revolves around: i) Jackfruit Value Chain Development (through value-addition to reduce post-harvest losses) and, ii) promoting Community Agroforestry as a Climate-smart Agricultural technology, both targeting to address climate change while recuding household poverty. The company’s pathway to this goal is along facilitating farm families to expand their Jackfruit growing as a business, recruiting more farm families into the Jackfruit value chain, buy the fruit from the farmers, process it and market it for them so that they get fair prices and enhance their household incomes. The founder subscribers believe that upstream investment in the Jackfruit Value Chain in Uganda will ensure enhanced production of Jackfruit of premier quality for the local and export market and a broadened uptake of the fruit at the household level across the country thus increase farmer productivity and profitability.


To manage the downstream product quality, BUSCOLES  is investing time, knowledge, skills and financial resources to establish and maintain a community-based Jackfruit Value Chain development effort backed up by a modern fruit processing plant (complete with climate smart technologies including: Hybrid Solar Dryer; fruit juice extractor; dry fruit powder processor; Fresh Green young fruit canner; and waste management plant – as an accessory) processing facility that will buy both young green and mature ripe fruits from the Contract Farmers network and process to supply the local and international market with premium Jackfruit products.


To achieve this, the social enterprise has acquired an eight-acre freehold land property in Kaliro District, Eastern Region of Uganda, where a Jackfruit growing demonstration Orchard has been established (now 7 years old, mature and in fruit) where the processing plant is to be set up. A fruit tree main nursery has been established to supply quality-controlled seedlings of appropriate vigour and specie, to supply Contract Farmers for annual planting. The tree nursery operators have been trained about the role of the tree nursery in addressing climate change. This content will be passed on to all tree suppliers for them to appreciate their greater contribution to addressing climate change. Alongside the demonstration orchard, the company has, over the last 7 years focused on recruiting and enabling Contract Farmers to plant the fruit tree on their farm holdings. The trees on the demonstration orchard and those of the initial contract farmers are now mature and fruiting. These will provide the very initial supply of fruits for processing at the company processing plant in Kaliro.


We attach a very high premium to our health and wealth of our contract farmers. To this effect, our contact Social Business Promoters (SBPs) go to the farm families and producer groups armed with, and leave behind a “Family Welfare Information Pack”. The pack has vital information on;

  1. Current and future impacts of climate change,
  2. Sustainable use and management of environment and natural resources
  3. Jackfruit growing as a business;
  4. Opportunities for affordable agricultural/business credit;
  5. Benefits of Community Group Membership;
  6. starting small to medium entreprises through Village Savings and Loan Schemes (VSLA),
  7. Household and Personal Hygiene, nutrition and health.

On each visit our promoters take the farmers through the pack and leave when they have linked them to CSOs and LG workers who offer detailed services and or information. The visit is meant to stimulate demand for the information/services. Consumption of the information contributes to the family’s sustained welfare which is created by our household income enhancement interventions through the Jackfruit value chain development.

Company Vision

Revolutionalise and Transform Uganda’s Jackfruit Value Chain into a commercially profitable, competitive, and well positioned agri-business line to fully respond to and satisfy both the growing local and international markets.

Company Mission

Equipping Jackfruit farmers with every tool, information, knowledge and skills needed to engage in Jackfruit growing and processing as a viable agri-business venture that produces a wide range of products for the local and international market, in an environmentally sustainable setting, at competitive price that contributes to household poverty reduction and transforms the wellbeing of local communities in the project area.

What BUSCOLES is addressing

The problem which BUSCOLES sets out to address in the Jackfruit value chain is the low incomes derived from jackfruit growing, which in turn is keeping the value chain from growing in volume and quality. In summary, the challenges faced with the Jackfruit value chain are:

  • Low far gate prices for and subsequent low household incomes from Jackfruit;
  • Wastage of available Jack fruit during season in villages due to lack of processing skills, storage facilities, and improper harvesting;
  • Lack of awareness on the potentials of jack fruit for processing and value addition;
  • Lack of awareness of the huge potential in Jackfruit growing for environmental benefits, specifically, climate change adaptation and mitigation;
  • Lack of needs-based research on this local resource, geared towards developing a wide range of products that will contribute to enhanced food & nutrition security;
  • Unavailability of appropriate and women friendly technologies for cutting, processing, storage, and value addition, especially in the villages;

Company Main Products

BUSCOLES focuses on putting the folowing organic products on the market and socio-environmental benefits to the nation:


  1. Processed dry jackfrui snacks for both local and export market
  2. Processed jackfruit juice – for both local and expoert market
  3. Fresh packed jackfruit – for both local and export maket
  4. Whole unprocessed jaclfruit – for export maket
  5. Jackfruit seed flour for pastries
  6. Green jobs – especially for rural youth and women
  7. Direct improved household income for jackfruit farmers
  8. Direct offsetting of carbon emissions
  9. Improved food security and nutrition through climate change mitigation
Buscoles Jackfruit

BUSCOLES is a not-for-profit Social Enterprise, registered as a company limited by guarantee, established to primarily improve the socio-economic and environmental welfare of rural households, with a special focus on youth and women.


Kaliro District, Uganda
Phone: +256-414-673-764

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